Saturday, August 20, 2005

September 30, 2003 - Sequoia National Park

Blog comes to use! I found a mystery roll of black and white film in my room at my parents' house and got it processed. I don't supposin' anyone's noticed from my flickr and fotolog accounts that I'm particularly anal meticulous about recording when photos are taken. Digital is easy since date and time is recorded automatically, but even when I used to shoot black and white film, I used to keep track of camera activity. So I got this roll of film processed and it turned out to be from a day trip to Kings Canyon/Sequoia National Park and then some shots around Battery Park in Manhattan (go fig). No idea when these shots were taken. But a quick search through blog archives and I've been able to locate some dates. I am so fucking anal it's not even funny.

Battery Park - December 2003

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