Saturday, November 15, 2003

I get on these astronomy kicks, and today I bought the latest issue of "Astronomy" magazine, found some interesting articles on the New York Times website, not worth linking to since the bastards change the articles into abstracts after a few days, and visited the Astronomy magazine website. On the website, I found an article about the Large Millimeter Array radio telescope that they're building in Chile. That's the same project that my old high school teacher, now radio astronomer, in Tucson left for Chile to work on when I was Tucson in April! He's not mentioned in the article, but his role sounded pretty important for the project. When he went in April, he was basically going to wander around the desert with a bunch of engineers and a map, and point at the ground at various places and say, "here", indicating where radar dishes should be located (that was his description of the job).

The Leonid meteor shower is due on Monday evening. Think I'll go out that night to catch them.

And I found out that bright smudge I saw in Gemini at 2:30 in the morning at the monastery when I was keeping watch on the fire was, in fact, Saturn.

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