Sunday, August 03, 2003

Amy leaves for Portland in a week. Her last day of work was yesterday and hopefully we will be hanging out this coming week, culminating in helping her load up next Friday. I have to remember I have a ticket to Supergrass on Wednesday. On the day Amy rolls out, Delphine and I are roadtripping to southern California just for the weekend.

Del and I went to Bottom of the Hill last night, and we had to pay to get in because she didn't get a pass and plus one, even though she interviewed two of the bands on the bill for Bay Area Buzz. I had auditioned for another of the bands on the bill back in the day, but I didn't remember anything about them except that they were Radiohead-esque. And that their songwriting was good, and it was. There was nothing their drummer did that I couldn't do, but I would've done it differently, but really it's all about chemistry. One of the bands that Delphine interviewed, Loquat, were really good. There was nothing about them that I didn't like.

After we get back from southern California, I have nothing planned. Guess it'll be time to look for a job or whether to consider my next bold move.

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