Monday, June 21, 2004

Yesterday, a group of fotologgers tried to get together a San Francisco "bike gang", modelled after similar fotolog bike gangs in New York, London, and New Orleans. I don't know if it was successful, it was basically the same core group that shows up at SF meetup and fotostrolls and Critical Mass. Still, I'll miss those guys when I leave.

Bison in Golden Gate Park. It's a little known fact that they go home at night to their houses in the Richmond District, just north of GG park, where they like to relax with a pipe, slippers, and a pot of tea.

Three of us ended the day at Hemlock Tavern, where Courtney took this shot, letting me know it was time to blue my hair again.

Monika and Courtney at Hemlock Tavern. Great indirect lighting by the window.

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