I got my runner number for Bay to Breakers today: 32440. When I used to run, I used to use the same four safety pins to pin the race bib on whatever shirt I was wearing. I still have those same four safety pins. How scary is that? How geeky is that? Another tradition was that I would always wear the race shirt of the last race I ran. I'd have to check to see if the last race I ran was the 1999 SF Marathon or if I did a Bay to Breakers since 1999. Yikes.
Tonight I went out to Great American Music Hall for the Broadcast/Echoboy show. I haven't heard a note of either band, but D*lphine got me in free, so I went. D*lphine's friend, Yuka, also came, and S*die, H*n, Ik*ko, and H*n's friends Ted and Nora also were there. What I didn't expect was my ex-coworkers Eric and Jake to be there, and they were sitting in the balcony right near S*die, H*n, Ik*ko, et al. So when a waitress handed me a beer and told me it was from, "blah blah", and pointed up to the balcony, it took me a couple seconds to look left of H*n and S*die to see Eric and Jake. I went right up to say hi to them, abandoning Del and Yuka. Eric was my teammate and we had our problems which were totally unjustified. I hold him in the highest regard, but it was the workplace that created tensions, so I wanted to show right away that it was nothing personal. And hey, gay men buying me beers across a crowded, smoky room? No hetero women are doing that, so it was clear who I'd be spending the most time with.