----- Original Message -----
From: Koji Li
To: S*die
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 9:43 PM
Hey S*die,
Sorry, I couldn't make it out tonight. It was probably for the better, tho'. God told me to bend over and He had His Holy way with me today.
It's so boring to say, "I had a bad day". It's so much more fun coming up with variant ways of saying it. If God was a baby, today was my turn to be His diaper. And to clarify for the religious freaks, I'm being sarcastic when I refer to God in the proper noun masculine.
I found out that I missed the pre-sale for the second leg of Peter Gabriel's U.S. touring. He's touring in June, possibly my travel month, so I held off buying a ticket for the Shoreline show on June 7. I'll probably get one soon, despite the $90 ticket price (!!). He'll be in New Jersey the night before my brother gets married, so . . . hehe. I don't think I'll have to pay for that show *wink, wink*. I also found that he released Secret World Live on DVD and so I headed down to Best Buy to pick it up. It's awesome with special features and a featurette of the first leg of the Growing Up tour. The second leg of the tour is reported to be scaled-down and not as elaborate so as to accommodate smaller venues, so I'm glad I got the chance to see the first leg.
The sucky part of today mostly involved weather, and I'm 100% decided on leaving the Bay Area by the end of the year. I will decide on destination by the end of August. I also broke the 9V battery wiring on my bass while changing the battery and had to engage in drunken fine soldering. Not a good day. With yesterday's revelation of H*n and S*die's band, I thought it was appropriate to have been napping when they called about rehearsing tonight (sans drummer).